Senior Living & Townehouse News

Happy residents socialize in retirement communities

The Benefits of Socializing in Senior Retirement Communities

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There are many benefits for senior citizens entering senior living, and one of the most significant is the opportunity to socialize. Older people are at a higher risk of isolation, often living away from family, retired, experiencing bereavement, or unable to integrate into the greater community due to health or transportation issues. Some may see a home care aid, but only for a few hours a day. Connecting with loved ones over the internet or phone can be helpful, but isn’t the same as face-to-face interaction. It often becomes easier to keep to oneself and watch TV or sleep, leading to a more sedentary lifestyle as well as loneliness and depression.

Socializing with others in retirement communities improves mental health

In a senior living community, a person has the opportunity to communicate with peers in their own age range and feel a sense of belonging. Activities like cards, bingo, movie nights, and simply having others to talk to can greatly improve someone’s quality of life, emotional state, and mental acuity. The Ventura Townehouse offers fun game-show-type challenges and compelling guest lecturers to keep the mind active and increase chances for connection.

Social interaction is necessary for people of all ages to boost their mood, but when it comes to seniors, socialization with others is especially critical. Maintaining relationships and speaking to others on a regular basis can improve memory recall and cognitive function. It can even potentially reduce the risk of serious mental conditions such as Alzheimer’s, and dementia. One study followed 1,715 adults over the age of 65 for 16 years and discovered that those who visited with friends more often had a lower rate of dementia. It’s much easier to stay engaged in social activities when surrounded by peers.

The surprising health benefits of socializing in retirement communities

People who are more socially active display other surprising health benefits such as a lower risk for conditions like diabetes and heart disease, as well as a stronger immune system. Meetings between friends and acquaintances can also get you laughing, which has major positive effects. Research shows that laughter alone has multiple health benefits, including reducing stress levels and improving your quality of sleep—something that is also sometimes difficult for seniors.

Regarding other health benefits, exercise groups or simply taking a walk with a friend are great social activities that encourage mental as well as physical health. It’s often easier to exercise in a group than alone, and maintaining an age-appropriate level of physical fitness becomes increasingly important as we grow older. The Ventura Townehouse is located near the beach, as well as hiking and biking trails for an active senior lifestyle. The Ventura Townehouse also has a comprehensive in-house fitness program with a dedicated on-staff fitness trainer.

New opportunities for expanding social connections in senior living

Staying sociable and mentally fit is much easier in senior living when one is surrounded by staff who care and people who are dealing with similar life milestones, and may share common interests and memories. It can be scary for people to enter senior living, as they may sometimes feel they are losing their independence—but in reality, they often gain access to a host of fun things to do, as well as many new opportunities to form lasting relationships.