Senior Living & Townehouse News

Artist of the Month Carole Morris

Carole Morris – September Artist of the Month

Decorative green leaf

Carole was born in Indianapolis, Indiana, and remembers as a child of five her mother would provide crayons and Disney coloring books. Carole would pass the time not coloring but shading and painting the Disney characters. Through the years, Carole has painted with many materials, her favorite being oils. Carole finds painting to be a spiritual experience, saying God works through her when she puts the paint to paper. When the last of her four children left the nest, Carole’s husband quit his job and they traveled the United States promoting and displaying Carole’s art. She never stopped painting while learning new techniques. Carole loves her life at the Townehouse and said she continues to paint from her memory with her limited sight. We look forward to seeing more of Carole’s work on Thursday, September 7th, in the Front Lobby. A select few will be on sale with proceeds going to the Gratuity Fund.

Carole Morris painting of a lady in a red dress