Senior Living & Townehouse News

Ventura Townehouse Newsletter December 2022 cover thumbnail

December 2022 Townehouse Newsletter

Decorative green leaf

December 2022 – A season of joy! Everyone here at the Townehouse wishes you and your family a joyous season. As always, our December calendar is filled with holiday entertainment, fun parties, and delectable dining!

This month in our resident corner newsletter, you’ll meet Townehouse resident Carmelita Oakley, whose love of ballet as a young child grew into a career as a dancer and teacher at her own studio in Ventura! She passed love of ballet onto her daughter Kristen, who became a professional dancer and now has her own school, The Oakley Ballet Center in Ventura.

Also in this issue, our activity director Anne shares some interesting holiday customs and tradtions from around the world.

Read the full issue here: December 2022 Newsletter PDF

Screenreader version for vision impaired here: December 2022 Newsletter Screenreader Version