Senior Living & Townehouse News

Dining room manager Lessly Lucero with new daughter Laylani

Happy Mother’s Day to new mom Lessly!

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We want to wish all mothers near and far a very Happy Mother’s Day, and a special wish to our dining room manager Lessly Lucero, who recently returned to work after the birth of her beautiful daughter Laylani! Lessly shared some of her experiences as a new mom with us.

In her own words…

“My name is Lessly Lucero and I have recently returned to work at the Townehouse from having my baby girl Laylani. She was born October 7, 2022, at 7:28pm, weighing 6lb 10oz.

“As a new first-time mom, it took me some time to get used to taking care of a baby. The first month she cried a lot because she had colic, but after the first month she settled down. By two months she wanted to start sitting up and didn’t like me laying her down. She also started to smile and be aware of all her surroundings. By month three, she would only drink her formula if she was in a sitting position.

Dining room manager Lessly Lucero's new baby Laylani“She is now almost seven months old, and every day she shows me a new skill. Her newest skill is saying Mama, Dada and combining both for Mada. She is learning to hold her bottle on her own, and trying to crawl, and stand up with support. She enjoys playing with her toys on her own, and anything at reach she will put in her mouth. She drools 24/7 but is yet to show any teeth. I started feeding her solid foods and her favorite thing to eat right now is pureed carrots with squash.

“When I arrive home, she gives me a big smile and extends her arms out for me to carry her and play with her. She gives me so much joy. I am happy to be back at work as your Dining Room Manager and enjoy sharing my baby’s adventures and pictures with my coworkers, and all our residents.”

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