Senior Living & Townehouse News

Ventura Townehouse resident and lifelong tailor Leon Rosenberg

Honoring Our Centenarians… Leon Rosenberg

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Leon Rosenberg was born in Poland. He is a holocaust survivor. In 1939 he was taken prisoner. 10,000 Jews were taken and only eight survived. Leon then went back to Poland to find his family, all were deceased. In 1945 Leon married Phyllis. They lived in Poland for three years.

After contacting an uncle in New York, they were both able to come to America. In 1949 they came through Ellis Island. At the time, Phyllis was pregnant with their second daughter. With help from his uncle, Leon secured a job working in the Manhattan garment industry. He worked three jobs to support his family. After five years, Leon and Phyllis became American citizens. This is when Leon’s talent in tailoring became profitable. He became a tailor for many famous people including Mrs. Nixon and the President of Mexico. Leon tailored Mrs. Nixon’s inaugural coat (this one with the sable collar). Leon continues to provide tailoring services to our Townehouse residents.

Last month on April 6, 2023 Leon celebrated his 100th birthday!