Senior Living & Townehouse News

New hot boxes for food delivery

New improved food delivery at Ventura Townehouse

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We are happy to share the photos from when we first discovered we had to deliver meals to all 300 Ventura Townehouse residents due to the worldwide outbreak of COVID-19. Our staff really stepped up! That announcement was so unexpected that we could not get boxes we normally use for the foods, we had to use our little hand carts to deliver, and food was not always being delivered as hot as usual and some residents bought microwaves. That is until our owner stepped in and bought hot boxes (that took a while to find anyone willing to deliver and finding someone who had them for sale) that actually held china plates and kept the food piping hot until all deliveries were done. Those hot boxes cost close to $30,000 and we felt our residents’ happiness was worth it! Today is a much better delivery system.
Our dining staff stepping up for our residents.

Our dining staff stepping up for our residents before we acquired our food delivery hot boxes.