Senior Living & Townehouse News

Dr. Elidé Beltram

Introducing Townehouse resident Dr Elidé Beltram

Decorative green leaf

Dr. Elidé Beltram, is a psychoanalyst. Prior to her studies on humans, she studied the behavior of the wild orangutan of Borneo and taught language to dolphins in Hawaii. She was a composer who founded the Westchester Music Ensemble for Living Composers (Carnegie Hall, 1995). There she sponsored the International Aaron Copland Competition for young composers from 5-12 years and wrote music pieces for Stan Getz and Aaron Copland. She is a member of the National Music Therapy Association, ASCAP (American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers) and APA (American Psychological Association).

Her writing skills extend to numerous academic works to You Are Who You Hate: The Alchemy of Dissonance (Vintage 1995) and Wife Mistress (1989). She is a member of The National Association of Science Writers and the International Women’s Writing Guild. Her master’s thesis was on Voice Gender Identification. Her academic instruction extends to teaching Italian and French and Anthropology at SUNY, Manhattanville and Switzerland Jung’s Institute.