Senior Living & Townehouse News

Nordine and Rod Sanders

A warm welcome to new Townehouse residents Rod and Nordine Sanders!

Decorative green leaf

Rod and Nordine were residents of Ventura County for around forty years, beginning in 1963. Rod had been an agent for State Farm Insurance Companies in Ventura during that period. He retired in the year 2000 and they moved to the central California mountains, first living in the Sierra Nevada mountains, near Shaver Lake. Then they later moved to Clovis, California, a move necessary due to the snow and icy road conditions in the mountains during the winter season. Rod and Nordine’s son Eric and daughter-in-Law Darla are Ventura residents and live nearby. Being closer to their family was the primary reason for their move back to Ventura.

Another interesting note: Nordine’s mother was a resident of the Townehouse in the early 1970’s.