Senior Living & Townehouse News

A happy senior couple enjoying the holidays together

Joyful Reasons to Move Into Senior Living During the Holidays

Decorative green leaf

Why you might consider senior living sooner rather than later, particularly around the holidays.

“Oh, I’m not quite ready.”

It’s a common refrain among seniors who are considering moving into a retirement community. Many may feel they’re not old enough yet, or that they don’t belong among the kind of people they might imagine living there. This hesitation is understandable but often based on unfounded fears and misconceptions about what senior living is like.

Many seniors may be hesitant about leaving the home they’ve lived in for years, or feel reluctant because they view this step as losing independence. Such a big life change should certainly be carefully considered. However, it’s important to make sure one has all the facts before making a decision.

The reality is, a senior living community is very different from a nursing home, which is what many folks envision when they hear the term.

Nursing Homes vs. Senior Living

Nursing homes are generally set up with individual or often shared rooms, staff who check in with patients around the clock, and less variety in activities than a senior living community.

A senior living community, while providing medical support, also includes more enrichment in the form of community activities, events, and dining. The environment and amenities are tailored to allow seniors to enjoy their golden years and retain autonomy as much as possible. A nursing home, on the other hand, is more exclusively focused on medical care.

If you’re envisioning bleak rooms and long, dull hours, please know that senior living can offer so much more. You can enjoy the security of knowing you or your loved one has access to medical care in addition to benefits not available at home, such as social events and classes.

There’s no such thing as “too soon” to move into senior living if you are looking to expand your horizons.

The Best Time to Make the Move into Senior Living

So when is the best time to make the move into senior living? While we are here any time you’re ready to join us, we’ve found that moving during the holidays is a particularly opportune time to enter a senior living community.

Decorations are hung this time of year, families visit and bring an element of cheer, and perhaps best of all, you’re not responsible for stuffing a turkey, making latkes, or cleaning up the kitchen.

This can be an opportunity to make new traditions with new friends as well as cherished loved ones. It may be different from the seasonal festivities you’re accustomed to, but it may still provide you with new, wonderful memories.

Since this time culminates in the beginning of a new year, moving during the holidays makes sense and allows you to start fresh.

Enjoy Everything the Ventura Townehouse Offers

Why not come while you can enjoy all the amenities that senior living has to offer? At The Ventura Townehouse, residents have access to everything from happy hours to shopping trips, champagne, and live entertainment twice a week.

If you love the outdoors, you may be interested to know we have over 12 acres of property with walking paths throughout the landscaped campus. Staying active contributes to senior wellness by helping you maintain mobility and providing endorphins.

There is also a pavilion with fire pits, a putting green, and more, perfect for informal gatherings and fun!

The Ventura Townehouse holds a variety of clubs, such as walking and writing. Several residents have even written books! Clubs provide the opportunity to meet new and interesting people from all walks of life, a key component in maintaining mental health.

That’s an enviable assortment of activities for people of any age.

It may help to consider what you’re gaining rather than losing by taking this leap.

Think about something you’ve always wanted to do, but never had the time for in the past. Perhaps you’d like to try an oil painting class while someone else thinks about the laundry. Maybe you’d enjoy visiting our extensive library and reading in peace.

Don’t wait until something happens–come of your own volition because it’s fun and you’re done worrying about cooking and cleaning.

The Ventura Townehouse also provides residents with quality dining services.

With so many activities and amenities, life at The Ventura Townehouse is never boring.

It’s like a cruise ship that never leaves the dock!

Great Expectations, Hopeful Considerations in Planning Your Move

It’s natural for seniors and their families to have questions or doubts about senior living.

Life transitions such as leaving a home you’ve inhabited for a long time, changes in holiday customs, or being around strangers can indeed be intimidating. It’s a big step, but hopefully a worthwhile one. Strangers can become friends, downsizing can be a relief, and new traditions can arise.

Rather than thinking of senior living as some kind of dispiriting end to life as you knew it, envision all the new things you’ll have the chance to experience.

This could likely be the beginning of a brand new, beautiful chapter in your life.