Senior Living & Townehouse News

Meet the Ventura Townehouse Ambassadors!

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The Ventura Townehouse Ambassadors: Harvey Kern, Maxine Snelgrove, Barbara Norris, Cheryl Hodge and Barbara Niles

Barbara Morris
Being an ambassador gives me the opportunity to serve and meet new residents and help them adjust to their new family. I love being helpful.

Barbara Niles
I am so happy to be an ambassador; it is a delightful activity. We get to know new residents as soon as they move in. Hopefully, we ease some of their anxiety of moving, and we help them to learn their way around the Townehouse. It’s fun!

Maxine Snelgrove
As an ambassador, it’s my pleasure to welcome new residents and introduce them to the many activities and wonderful people that live here. In my former life, I welcomed children to elementary school and their new learning environment. To be happy and make new friends was my desire for them. I feel that is my primetime endeavor with new residents as they join our community and its diverse and interesting population.

Cheryl Hodge
I enjoy being an ambassador because I love people. Giving a tour of our community allows me to get to know the person. Sitting down and sharing a meal with a new resident you get to know each other and often find common interests.

Harvey Kern
Being a part of a dedicated group who have the privilege of introducing new residents to the magic of the Ventura Townehouse, including safety, security, activities, other residents, staff, is FUN.