Senior Living & Townehouse News

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November 2023 Townehouse Newsletter

Decorative green leaf

November at the Townehouse

Sharing gratitude and giving thanks at the Ventura Townehouse this month!

Life is abundant. Always…. not just on Thanksgiving. We are grateful!

Thanksgiving is a reminder to share and celebrate the abundance of life.

Gratitude for food, love of family and friends. Here at the Townehouse we will serve our traditional Thanksgiving lunch on Wednesday, November 22 at 11:30am. Please make reservations for family and friends at the Front Desk. The cost for an adult guest is $20 and for children under 12 years $10. Please note: No green buck vouchers will be taken for the Thanksgiving meal. Before lunch, meet your family and friends in the front lobby for a mimosa reception.

In this month’s resident newsletter you’ll meet our newest Townehouse residents Joan Horner and Frances Haley. We’ll also introduce you to our new Director of Activities David Scarlett. And,

November Activity Highlights

Guatemalan Market Day

Tuesday November 1 get an early start on your holiday shopping when we hold a special Guatemalan Market Day. Starting at 10am, we will display many handmade items, made by families from Guatemala, for sale at reasonable prices. A large portion of the proceeds go back to Guatemala to support these families. And a percentage will go to our employee gratuity fund.

Thursday, November 8 at 2pm join us for a spot of English tea and an informative talk on Queen Elizabeth presented by our new Director of Activities David Scarlett in the Dining Room Lounge.

Holiday Boutique

Thursday, November 16th at 10am join us for our Annual Holiday Arts and Crafts Boutique.
Each year we hold our annual Holiday Craft Boutique. Tables will be set up in the Dining Room Lounge to display homemade craft items. On sale will be a variety of handmade jewelry, knitted items, quilts, paintings, decorative cards, books and more. All handmade by our Townehouse residents. Please sign up in the Dining Room Lounge to reserve a table.

Christmas Tree Decorating Contest

November 30th meet with your neighbors on your floor in the community area at 2pm to discuss ideas for decorating your neighborhood Christmas Tree. This year it will be a theme of your choosing. We will place lighted trees on each floor shortly after Thanksgiving.

Act of Kindness “Laundry Love”

Laundry Love is a mission of Two Trees Church here in Ventura. Chris Black, our third Sunday worship pastor, and our resident Barbara Morris are members. The second Saturday of the month, several of our residents volunteer their time to help the homeless and low-income by washing and drying their clothes at no cost to them.

Many bingo players and others here have donated generously to this endeavor and the church is very thankful for this help. Quarters, and any currency, is accepted. Last month our Townehouse residents donated $450. While Maxine and Faye checked everyone in, Lynn handed out soap and quarters!

For information, or to donate, please see Barbara. The need is great for those less fortunate than us.
Read the full issue here: November 2023 Newsletter PDF