Senior Living & Townehouse News

A senior gentleman rowing a kayak on a placid lake

Senior Living: Embracing New Journeys for a Rewarding Senior Lifestyle

Decorative green leaf

For far too many seniors, the notion of aging gracefully seems like a challenge they don’t understand how to overcome. Then again, for the young at heart they can view it as a new season towards a future without precedent. If the latter sounds more like the rewarding senior lifestyle you envision for yourself then perhaps it’s time to say out with the old and bring on the new.

Embracing the Senior Community

Like any good journey, a fellowship of fellow adventurers is required to complete the story. This notion has been at the heart of the senior living community in Ventura known as Ventura Townehouse. While some will often refer to such a community as independent living, this type of senior living is anything but lonely.

While embracing traditional activities that have become fan favorites of the senior community, this community is committed to encouraging and embracing new journeys. Trying new things can refresh one’s spirit. Just because one is a senior that doesn’t mean there isn’t a whole new world to discover. After all, it’s a pretty big world out there.

Exploring the World Together

It goes without saying that social activity is key to a healthy mind, body and spirit as we age. However, there is now even more science to support it. Susan Pinker is a developmental psychologist who spent time researching the keys to longevity. While examining the residents of the Italian island of Sardina that has six times more centenarians than the mainline and ten times more than North America she came to a startling conclusion. The key to longevity wasn’t what one ate, drank or even exercise. Rather, the number one indicator leading to longevity was social integration.

That’s why this journey of embracing new things and exploring new horizons was meant to be done together in community. New foods are best sampled when you can muse about its tastes with fellow members of community. New locations are best explored when friends can laugh and learn beside you. New relationships are best built by new experiences and new journeys.

On a practical level, these new journeys can start right where you are with the very people around you. The Ventura community is surrounded with restaurants, entertainment and cultural attractions that draw millions of visitors from around the world every year. By the time one becomes a senior they have indeed seen and experienced a great deal. However, it’s an honest question to ask as to whether you have seen them all? There is time on this earth for new journeys and who better to explore them with than your current fellowship of community.

Community Living is Senior Living

At Ventura Townehouse, embracing the new is not only the norm but it is part of our culture. One could sum the experiences of every member of this community and still not have experienced everything living has to offer. It takes a willingness to embrace change, sample the taste of life and embrace community to tackle aging with grace and adventure. Community living is senior living at its finest and it’s done best when each new day is viewed as a new adventure. Please contact us for more information about our senior living community.