Senior Living & Townehouse News

Outgoing Resident Board President Terry Gibson

A Special Thanks from Past President Terry Gibson

Decorative green leaf

On February 2nd, 2020, I moved into the Townehouse to live out the rest of my life without work and no responsibilities. Are you laughing yet? I think I made it to August before actually taking the Presidency of an organization I’d never heard of. It’s called the Residents Council and I am stepping down after three years that combined fun, work, some annoying things, mostly getting to know people and staff.

Obviously, I enjoyed it since I stayed on for 3 terms and no one threw me out the door. As I step down, I want to say THANK YOU. Thank you to the board that served well and willingly and did many things beside their job. To the people who were not on the board who stepped up to help in so many ways, and to all of you who came to the big monthly meeting. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU.

I became friends with some of the staff. Thank you to Evan who had to listen to me carry on about some item or another from a meeting that upset me. He often talked me down off the ledge and has become not just the head guy but has become my friend. Thank you so much.

To Anne and Kimmi who do such a great job with activities and insurance help. They are two important women in my life, and I adore them both. I don’t want to leave out Rachel who I laugh with and kid around with and just love her. I’m looking forward to getting to know David who is a good fit, particularly since he has that great accent like Anne has. I must not forget Nancee and Harvey. With their help we get new neighbors when there is a vacancy. I’ve seen both Nancee and Harvey hauling walkers upstairs for residents, bussing tables in the dining room and other nice things for all of us. I appreciate them both so much.

As I step down from the top spot, I leave the leadership in the capable and caring hands of Barbara Niles who is a natural leader and very smart. To all of you residents who live here and contribute to so much, thank you all very much. I love living here and hope to be a resident for many more years.

Terry Gibson, Past President