Senior Living & Townehouse News

Ventura Townehouse resident Marlene Rubin

A Warm Welcome to Marlene Rubin

Decorative green leaf

Marlene Paino-Rubin is new to The Ventura Townehouse as of last month and is very happy to be here. Marlene was born in Malden, Massachusetts and spent time in the south before moving to Los Angeles in the 80s. Marlene has one older brother, Dominic Paino who lives in Sonoma. Marlene was a nurse anesthetist and worked at Kaiser Permanente West Los Angeles for over 30 years. She was known for her fun and bright colored attire for every holiday. She made her patients feel at ease with things like her happy spider surgical cap for and witch scrubs with ghost earrings for Halloween. She has always loved crosswords, card games and trivia. Marlene has 4 children (Patti, Pam, David and Andrea) and three grandchildren (Brooke, Graham and Jordan). Andrea lives in Santa Barbara, and you will see her and Brooke (age 8) and Graham (age 6) at the Ventura Townehouse visiting her regularly. We are all so happy to be a part of Ventura Townehouse and thank you for being so welcoming to Marlene and all of us!

– from daughter Andrea Smith