Senior Living & Townehouse News

Ventrua Townhouse Resident Newsletter February 2024 cover thumbnail

February 2024 Townehouse Newsletter

Decorative green leaf

The month of love!

We love the month of February at the Ventura Townehouse. Love is all around us in the way the days begin to grow longer, promising spring is just around the corner. We have the Chinese New Year to look forward to – this year we enter the Year of the Dragon on February 9. An of course there is Fat Tuesday on February 13 to celebrate Mardi Gras, and Valentine’s Day on February 14. It looks like rain could be on the horizon this month as well, giving us green hills, Spring flowers and hopefully minimal storm damage!

Valentine’s Day

Valentines Day February 14th, at 2pm we will celebrate with entertainment from Jamie and Gail. They will sing all our favorite love songs. Rachel will serve up her special love potion. We will also celebrate our February birthdays. Then at 4pm, chef Bryan is planning a spectacular Valentine dinner. If you wish to invite a guest, please let the front desk know ahead of time.
View our Valentine’s Menu here

February Activity Highlights

Channel Island Chamber Orchestra

Sunday, February 4 – We will leave the front lobby at 2pm for this month’s Channel Island Chamber Orchestra concert. This concert is particularly popular and satisfying because it presents the excitement of young musicians as they perform as soloists with the orchestra..

Lunch Outing to Yolanda’s

Wednesday, February 7 – We will meet in the Front Lobby at 11am for lunch at Yolanda’s in Oxnard Shores. After lunch we will enjoy a walk around the Channel Islands Harbor.

Men’s Outing to Socail Tap

Wednesday, February 21 – We have scheduled a Men’s lunch outing to the Social Tap pub and restaurant. Sign up for this one fellows; the beer is on us! We will leave the Front Lobby at 11am.

Local Movie Night

Wednesday, January 28 – Movie outing. We will choose a movie closer to the time. Let me know if you have a preference.

Wine and Cheese Socials

Wine and cheese socials begin at 3pm every Friday. Entertainers this month include Bob Bishop, Steve Ormond, Tatiana, and the Ventura High School Band.

Also in this month’s newsletter, you’ll meet new Townehouse residents George and Ellie Duncan, and our Employee of the Month Fernando Perez.

Read the full issue here: February 2024 Newsletter PDF