The Latest Townehouse News
February 2021 Townehouse Newsletter
February 2021 – Love is all around! In our February 2021 Resident Newsletter, meet our Ms. February Margery Jacobson! Margie,… READ MORE
January 2021 Townehouse Newsletter
2021 – It’s a brand new year! In our January 2021 Resident Newsletter, we introduce our Ms. January Helen Stackhouse…. READ MORE
Welcome Nancee and Harvey
It is with great pleasure to introduce our new Ventura Townehouse marketing team; Nancee Borgnine and Harvey Marasigan. They joined… READ MORE
Winter Wonderland Drive-By Open House
Please Join Us! Winter Wonderland Drive-By Open House – Saturday, December 19 from 6-8 PM. Presented by Ventura Townehouse, Aegis… READ MORE
New improved food delivery at Ventura Townehouse
We are happy to share the photos from when we first discovered we had to deliver meals to all 300… READ MORE
Doing good at COVID time for Ventura
Ventura Townehouse donated some of its resources to local nurses & their foundation showing support for the people on the… READ MORE
Honoring Ventura Townehouse Librarian Leslie Wright
This is Librarian’s Week and what better time than to honor our very own Ventura Townehouse Librarian, Leslie Wright. Leslie… READ MORE
Benefits of an On-Site Doctor
Keeping on track with consistent medical care can be a frustrating challenge. Logistics, costs, travel, establishing a PCP—the whole thing… READ MORE
Ventura Police and K-9 Demonstration
You are invited to join us at Ventura Townehouse to host the Ventura police and their K-9 demonstration. Family and the… READ MORE
Independent Living: Why Volunteering is an Ideal Hobby for Retirees
Retirement is something many people look forward to, but it can be a difficult change no matter how exciting it… READ MORE
Complimentary Nurses Spa Day
Complimentary Nurses Spa Day. Private VIP Event for Nurses. Come enjoy a martini, relax and rejuvenate. Refreshments will be served… READ MORE
The Makeup of an Active Senior Living Community
There are so many different ways to establish and maintain a senior living community. The needs and preferences of a… READ MORE